Friday, August 14, 2015

THM-FP Inspired Parmesan Bread

This fuel pull bread is light and airy, as you would expect bread to be! It can be made two ways. You can make it in a cup or bowl, using the microwave, or you can use your really cool silicone muffin liners and bake 8 of them in the oven in about 25 minutes. That recipe is below the microwave recipe, so be sure to scroll way down. 

This bread can be used alongside your bacon and eggs for breakfast, slathered with butter, or you can use it for your breakfast sandwich on the go, and it fits right into your "S" meal. 

Serve it without adding a thing, alongside your big bowl of fruit as an E or FP meal, depending upon what type and how much fruit you are using.

Use it as a sandwich bread to create your own E or S masterpiece! 


1 TBSP Oat Fiber (Not to be confused with oat flour. Not the same!)
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Guar Gum or Xanthan Gum
1 TBSP Parmesan Cheese (The kind with the green lid.)
1 tsp Nutritional Yeast
Pinch of Sea Salt
Pinch of Sweetener (On plan)
2 TBSP Non Fat Greek Yogurt
3 TBSP Egg White (From the carton.)


Mix all the dry ingredients together in your mug or bowl. I used my Pyrex 1 cup measuring cup because I like the shape of it! Square bowl would be nice, too.
Now, add NFGY and egg white. Mix well. It should be smooth, and stretchy in appearance, and even smell like bread!

Use the same mug/bowl to cook in the microwave, on high for about 80 seconds.

Pop the bread out of the mug/bowl, onto a paper towel and let it cool, then serve it up as is or slice it for a sandwich or to be buttered. 

The other way to enjoy these is from your oven. These will save you time during the week. The following recipe will yield 8 big muffins if you fill each muffin tin or silicone muffin mold 3/4 of the way full.

While you're looking over the ingredients list, go ahead and pre-heat your oven to 350 deg.


1/4 Cup Oat Fiber 
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Sweetener (on plan)
1 tsp Guar or Xanthan Gum
1/4 Cup Parmesan Cheese (with the green lid)
4 tsp Nutritional Yeast
1/4 Cup Non Fat Greek Yogurt
3/4 Cup Egg White (from the carton)


Mix all dry ingredients together well. Add NFGY and egg white and mix well. Fill each silicone muffin mold or just use your muffin tin (I use my silicone molds to keep my tin clean), about 3/4 of the way full. This recipe should make about 8 bread muffins.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, until you begin to see a golden color on your bread muffins. Use a butter knife to slip into one of them to see if it comes out dry.

Let these sit in the pan to cool, for about 10 minutes, then pop them out onto your plate. 

These are nice to make ahead of time, for those meals on the run!! Fill them with lunch meat, chicken salad or just eat them plain. 

Here's an Italian variation to try on with your "on plan" spaghetti and meat sauce:

Add 1 tsp dried basil, 1/8 tsp garlic powder and 1/8 tsp onion powder to the mix before you place it into your muffin tin. You could even sprinkle a little extra grated Mozzarella cheese onto each muffin, just before you take it out of the oven. Don't overdo the cheese if you want to keep it in Fuel Pull zone!

Wouldn't this recipe be nice, used as a pizza crust?!! I'll be pulling out my stone bar pan soon, to put this to the test! Let me know what you think. The possibilities with this recipe are endless!


  1. I love the texture of these, and the taste! Would there be a way to leave out the parmesan cheese and the nutritional yeat to make more of a sweet muffin? What could I replace those ingredients with?

  2. I love the texture of these, and the taste! Would there be a way to leave out the parmesan cheese and the nutritional yeat to make more of a sweet muffin? What could I replace those ingredients with?

  3. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed these. I'm pretty sure that the new THM recipe book has a recipe that is very similar. They call it "Swiss Bread", that you would enjoy. It's on p. 196 and it appears to me that it would be easy to make that muffin "sweet". Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I can't find oat fiber anywhere! Any suggestions?

  5. This is one of my favorites! I have shared it with many friends. Thanks so much!
